Human Resources

Strategic Human Resource management support, advice on how to assess an organisation correctly, performance appraisal plans, planning succession.

  • Strategic support in managing Human Resources, a fundamental, crucial, Company success area.

    Advice on how to assess an organisation correctly, identify areas of improvement and action plans to bridge gaps. Study of ad hoc programs to attract, retain and motivate people in organisational complexes operating in highly competitive markets.

    Performance appraisal plans, planning succession and advice in all human resource areas.

  • Training and development

    Surveys of company training needs, both technical and behavioural, to preserve and improve the company’s competitive position on the market.
    Designing and implementing training, both individual and group.

    Human resource management support

    Advice with preparing human resource management policies; administrative and at organisational and operative levels. Analysis and implementation of compensation plans supporting management of industrial relations.


    Ongoing, qualified assistance for all matters affecting a company operating abroad, to manage international resources, expatriate and local, correctly; with special attention for Tax Areas and Compensation. Legal, fiscal and pension advice for both resident and expatriate employees.

    Search and selection

    Through different channels, identification of professionals to be attracted, selected and employed in the company to cover vacant posts.


    Administration and data processing, payslips, contribution calculations and all connected activities.

    Succession plans & performance appraisal

    Implementation of processes linked to identifying, appraising and developing the company’s human resources adding them to succession plans to guarantee the company itself a future.


    Advice and support related to compliance with provisions from the legislator, sector authorities, certification bodies, corporate policies on Corporate Responsibility, Privacy, Safety in the workplace.


    Opening business support airline companies. Benchmark on economical conditions and fees. Business sectors restructuring. Payroll management for pilots, flight attendants and ground staff.

    Change management & innovation

    Structured approaches to attain significant changes in both individuals and the company through transition from a current structure to a desired future one Use of instruments and processes to help the various company members acknowledge and understand the change and manage the human impact of the desired change. Implementing new methods to make technical and business improvements.

Communication & Marketing

2.Zerocorporation implements medium-long term, integrated communication projects. Their goal is to build the most favourable environment for company operations from both outside and in.

  • 2.Zerocorporation implements medium-long term, integrated communication projects. Their goal is to build the most favourable environment for company operations from both outside and in.

    Tailor-made” projects designed to satisfy specific client needs; activating tools, initiatives and actions to promote the company, its products and services.

    A service based on innovation when managing the entire communication activities cycle: from identifying the best strategy for the client, choosing tools and media with which to spread messages, up to control of results.

  • Corporate and Product communication

    Corporate and product information with a strong focus on social responsibility and ecologically sustainable behaviour through its EcoFactory – Journalism Creative Lab – Milano business unit.
    Projects created ad hoc using innovative tools, exclusive agreements with media partners and in-depth, structured knowledge of the new techniques and socio-digital contexts.

    Health and Wellness

    Advisory services and communication program development in health and wellness with its associate HealthCom Consulting. Integrated communication projects, relations with the Media, Press Office, Public Affairs, Market Access, Branded Entertainment.

    Internal Communication

    Development of an internal communication system through information and awareness campaigns, newsletters and interactive digital products, motivational initiatives, involvement in social responsibility projects and training courses.


    Strategic Consultancy, Communication and Marketing services, through Wearegold, Group company focussed on Fashion.